Al-jabr Easy Math

Make Everything's Better

Peluang Usaha Pendidikan Al-jabr Easy English Desember 30, 2011

Peluang Usaha Al – jabr3+ Easy English

MANFAAT DAN KELEBIHAN Al – jabr 3+  Easy English  :

1.   Mudah dan aplikatif didukung dengan buku panduan yang berkualitas

2.   Sistem pembelajaran aktif learning

3.   Materinya sangat mudah dipahami sesuai dengan kebutuhan

4.   Belajar Bahasa Inggris tingkat atas tidak harus menunggu saat sudah menduduki kelas bersangkutan.

5.   Dapat dipelajari bagi siswa TK, SD, SLTP, SMU, dan UMUM

6.   Pengembangan kepribadian

GAMBARAN KELAS Al – jabr3+ Easy English .

1.   Siswa yang belajar dapat dimulai dari anak umur 5 tahun dengan syarat sudah mengerti dan dapat menulis, SD, SMP, SMA dan UMUM .

2.   Belajar seminggu 1 atau 2x lamanya belajar 90 menit sudah termasuk pemgembangan kepribadian.

3.   Sistem kelas belajar dapat dilakukan dengan sistem kelas (5 – 15 siswa) , sistem privat (1 – 4 siswa) dan kerjasama sekolah

4.  Sistem belajar perlevel disesuaikan dengan tingkat kelas dan kemampuan masing – masing siswa, perlevel dapat ditempuh 5 – 6 bulan.

5.  Biaya perbulan bagi sistem kelas dan perpertemuan bagi sistem privat dapat disesuaikan dengan lingkungan dilokasi Cabang.


1.  Calon Mitra memilih bentuk kerja sama yang diinginkan.

2.  Calon mitra menyediakan dan menyiapkan tempat untuk pembukaan kursus yang dapat menampung minimal 10 anak, diharapkan tempat yang strategis  (pinggir jalan, dekat sekolah, komplek perumahan) agar mudah dijangkau.

3.  Calon mitra menyediakan 3 orang yang terdiri dari  1 orang pemilik / pengelola dan 2 orang calon guru / tutor, dan 1 orang Administrasi untuk ditraining persiapan cabang baru selama 1 hari dikantor pusat.

4.  Mengisi formulir pendaftaran calon mitra, dilengkapi foto copy KTP dan foto 3×4 sebanyak 2 lembar. Foto lokasi tampak depan & ruangan kelas, dan denah lokasi kursus.

5. Memberikan alamat yang lengkap beserta denah lokasi

6. Membayar biaya kemitraan/ franchise fee sebesar Rp 10.000.000 / 5 tahun ( atau yang berlaku pada saat ini). (atas nama perorangan atau kelompok). Untuk bentuk kerjasama yang lain biaya sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku.Mitra akan mendapatkan : ( Barang – barang promosi : Banner (1), Ex-Banner (1) , Mini Banner (12), brosur (1 Rim), buku (6), Kelengkapan Administrasi Pendidikan, training guru (1 paket). Saham cabang dapat berbagi dengan kantor pusat, kepemilikan saham cabang minimal 80%.

7.  Lokasi akan disurvey oleh petugas dari pusat atau cabang dan dapat pula diverifikasi dari E–mail data lokasi mitra,  jarak antara kursus Al – Jabr3+ Easy English yang sudah ada adalah dipisahkan berdasarkan kecamatan dan di tingkat kabupaten / kotamadya akan ada mitra koordinator sektor atau master franchise sektor tingkat kabupaten / kotamadya.

8. Wilayah marketing cabang adalah satu kecamatan, dan cabang wajib membuka sub cabang diwilayah marketingnya.

9.  Sub cabang dapat dibuka dengan investasi mandiri atau kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga (kursus2, sekolah, rumah di komplek perumahan)

10. Surat Perjanjian Kerjasama ditanda tangani setelah administrasi selesai dan sebelum training dilaksanakan.

11.  Barang – barang promosi diberikan setelah training guru selesai dilaksanakan.

12.  Kerjasama berlaku untuk 5 ( lima ) tahun dapat diperpanjang kembali

13.  Royalti Fee ditambah  marketing fee  sebesar 10 % diambil hanya dari SPP siswa setelah bulan ke 3 pembukaan cabang dan disetorkan sebelum tanggal 6 setiap bulannya, jika disetor setelah tanggal 6 maka mendapat sanksi keterlambatan 5% yang akan di alokasikan dananya bagi kegiatan sosial.

14.  Dari pendaftaran siswa akan mendapatkan produk Al – Jabr3+ Easy English yaitu buku.

15.  Untuk training lanjutan guru, mitra dikenakan biaya 200.000/level/guru training dilaksanakan di kantor pusat. (sifatnya fleksibel sesuai kebutuhan dan tidak berjenjang dari dasar tetapi disesuaikan dengan level yang perlu pendalaman materi).

16. Untuk pembayaran franchise fee dapat secara langsung maupun secara tranfer ke  Bank Mandiri dan Bank BCA.

BENTUK KERJASAMA Al – jabr3+ Easy English


Syarat :

  1. Memiliki tempat strategis dan sarana belajar di tengah kota wilayah dan tempat belajar
  2. Memiliki modal dan waktu yang cukup untuk mengelola usaha.
  3. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan semangat berwirausaha sebagai master cabang kotamadya / kabupaten.
  4. Memiliki etika moral yang tinggi terutama kejujuran.

Hak dan kewajiban master franchise kotamadya / kabupaten

  1. Mengelola secara penuh cabang miliknya yang berdomosili di kecamatan bersangkutan
  2. Dapat melakukan pembukaan sub cabang diwilayahnya guna mengoptimalkan wilayah pemasarannya.
  3. Mempromosikan dan membuka cabang individual franchise diwilayah kotamadya / kabupaten miliknya dengan menjual kepada pihak ke tiga untuk membuka di tiap-tiap kecamatan
  4. Sebagai kantor perwakilan dalam melakukan seminar, training dan try out, sertifikasi TOEFL & TOEIC PREDICTION TEST
  5. Menerima 40% dari royalty fee yang dibayarkan cabang individual franchise selama menjadi master Franchise
  6. Menerima 50% dari franchise fee / initial fee cabang individual franchise setelah terjual diwilayahnya dengan biaya yang berlaku saat itu.
  7. Melakukan survey kelayakan, training, pendampingan sampai grand opening serta menyediakan marketing tools (banner, brosur dll)
  8. Menyusun strategi, koordinasi bulanan dan semesteran untuk memenuhi target omset dan pertumbuhan cabang individual franchise diwilayah teritorinya
  9. Menerima paket ”marketing tools, adm tools dan CD adm pendidikan dan keuangan saat pertama kali membuka usaha
  10. Membayar royalty fee cabang individual franchise yang dikelolanya sebesar 10%.
  11. Membayar biaya master franchise (MF) wilayah kotamadya / kabupaten untuk jangka waktu 5 tahun sebesar

Contoh : Pak Investor hendak menjadi master franchise di kotamadya XXX dengan jumlah kecamatannya 5, biaya franchise saat itu adalah Rp. 10.000.000, berapa besar investasi yang diperlukan pak Investor untuk menjadi Master Franchise selama 5 Tahun?

Jawab :

Investasi MF = 10.000.000 + ( 5 -1 X 40% x 10.000.000)

= 10.000.000 + 16.000.000

= Rp 26.000.000

  1. Dapat diwariskan tanpa ada perubahan waktu yang telah ditetapkan
  2. Dapat dijual ke pihak lain / take over atas persetujuan kantor pusat tanpa mengubah wilayah pemasaran dan waktu yang telah ditetapkan.


  1. Belum ada cabang dalam wilayah tersebut
  2. Investor adalah perorangan / kelompok yang memiliki tempat strategis
  3. Memiliki waktu dan modal yang cukup untuk mengelola usaha atau mewakilkannya kepada kepala cabang
  4. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan semangat berwirausaha sebagai franchisee cabang
  5. Memiliki etika moral yang tingggi terutama kejujuran

Hak dan Kewajiban Franchise Cabang

  1. Mengelola secara penuh cabang miliknya
  2. Menerima pendapatan 90% dari omset cabang
  3. Menerima paket “marketing tools” (action plan, brosur, banner, dll)”administrasi tools”(CD, faktur, kwitansi).
  4. Membayar initial fee / franchise fee cabang sebesar 8 juta untuk 5 tahun, 50% biayanya dibayarkan maksimal 6 bulan setelah MOU
  5. Dapat melakukan pembukaan sub cabang diwilayahnya guna mengoptimalkan wilayah pemasarannya.
  6. Membayar royalty fee sebesar 10% dari SPP setiap bulannya
  7. Dapat diwariskan tanpa ada perubahan waktu yang telah ditetapkan
  8. Dapat dijual ke pihak lain / take over atas persetujuan kantor pusat tanpa mengubah wilayah pemasaran dan waktu yang telah ditetapkan


Kerjasama ini khusus untuk investor di JABODETABEK dan berperan sebagai investor dan bukan operator usaha, investor tidak perlu repot mengelola usaha namun hanya menempatkan seorang personil pada bagian administrasi keuangan.  Dengan pengalaman dan dukungan  tim manajemen yang professional operator usaha akan memberikan 25% dari omset perbulan kepada investor


  1. Belum ada cabang diwilayah kecamatan tersebut
  2. Investor perorangan yang memiliki ruko atau tempat yang strategis (pinggir jalan raya, dekat sekolah dan komplek perumahan)
  3. Memenuhi criteria dan sarana yang ditetapkan

Hak dan Kewajiban  Joint Cabang

  1. Menerima bagi hasil bulanan sebesar 25% dari SPP dimulai pada bulan ke-6 dan berikutnya
  2. Menempatkan satu orang personil sebagai staf administrasi keuangan
  3. Membayar joint fee cabang sebesar 10 juta / 5 tahun ( atau yang berlaku saat ini)
  4. Bersedia  memberikan dukungan pinjaman modal untuk marketing dan operasional sebesar Rp 10 juta dan akan dikembalikan kepada investor berupa penyusutan selama 3 tahun dan dimulai pada tahun ke-2
  5. Dapat melakukan pembukaan sub cabang diwilayahnya guna mengoptimalkan wilayah pemasarannya
  6. Menerima garansi bahwa usaha ini InsayaAllah menguntungkan
  7. Jika dalam pelaksanaanya terjadi hal yang menyebabkan kerugian yang disebabkan kondisi force majeure, maka kami memiliki komitmen untuk mengembalikan modal operasional Rp 10.juta.

4.      SUB CABANG (Menginduk pada Cabang atau Pusat)

Sub cabang dapat dibuka sebagai strategi optimalisasi wilayah pemasaran yang dimiliki oleh cabang, domisili Sub cabang terdapat di wilayah pemasaran cabang atau wilayah yang belum terdapat cabang tetapi jika terdapat cabang baru di wilayah kosong tersebut sub cabang harus menjadi cabang jika ingin tetap dibuka diwilayah tersebut atau menginduk dengan cabang baru menjadi sub cabangnya.


  1. Sudah ada cabang atau pun belum ada  diwilayah kecamatan tersebut
  2. Pengelola perorangan yang memiliki ruko atau tempat yang strategis (pinggir jalan raya, dekat sekolah dan komplek perumahan) atau telah memiliki usaha jasa pendidikan (bahasa inggris, seni menghitung jari, belajar membaca, dll)
  3. Memenuhi kriteria dan sarana yang ditetapkan

Hak dan kewajiban

  1. Menerima bagi hasil 60 % dari SPP
  2. Membayar bagi hasil ke kantor pusat 40 % dari SPP
  3. Melakukan Operasional usaha dan marketing secara sungguh – sungguh.
  4. Melakukan pembinaan dan pengkaderan tutor
  5. Memiliki tempat dan tim manajemen untuk mengelola
  6. Membeli Marketing tool, keuangan dan pendidikan tools dan hand book
  7. Mendapatkan training dan paket keangan dan akademik tools secara Cuma-Cuma pada saat grand opening.
  8. Bersedia diputus kerjasamanya secara sepihak oleh kantor pusat jika terbukti melakukan kesalahan apapun yang menyebabkan kerugian secara material dan non material.


KURIKULUM Al-jabr Easy English

TK B – SD 1 


  1. Ann And Andy
  2. Good morning class
  3. Today
  4. My friend
  5. My Bag
  6. My Desk
  7. Cross the river
  8. My class room
  9. Is this your bag ?
  10. At the playground
  11. Orange Glue ?
  12. Where’s my milk
  13. The library
  14. May i borrow your paintbrush, please?
  15. Try this !
  16. kelly’s family
  17. Questions
  18. He’s young !
  19. come to my house
  20. Where is it?
  21. What’s mom doing


  1. Funtime
  2. She’s wearing a green dress
  3. Yours or mine?
  4. What are you doing ?
  5. What’s for breakfast?
  6. Do you want a cookie ?
  7. Time for dinner!
  8. A birthday party
  9. Try this !
  10. Do yoy have a baseball
  11. Buying toys
  12. How much is it ?
  13. What does he do ?
  14. The clowns
  15. Tall and short
  16. Funtime
  17. Lizards
  18. Zoo animal
  19. At the farm
  20. We’re going by train
  21. At the airport
  22. At the beach
  23. Try this !
  24. Assessment
  25. Word list



  1. We’re friends
  2. We’re at school
  3. What day is it ?
  4. It’s my birthday
  5. Our class
  6. How tall are you?
  7. One more time On my way home
  8. Somewhere in the classroom
  9. The clock
  10. I like school. Do you ?
  11. Let’s learn
  12. Inside our schoo
  13. Outside our school
  14. One more time again
  15. What can you do ?
  16. Where are you from ?
  17. I have a brother and two sisters
  18. This bike is mine !
  19. At home
  20. What are you doing ?
  21. One more time the wizard’s house
  22. Put away your clothes !
  23. Where are my glasses ?
  24. It’s raining
  25. Fruit salad
  26. Favorite food
  27. Fast food


  1. How often ?
  2. Once more !
  3. Our calendar
  4. Can i play with you
  5. Let’s play outside
  6. At the pool
  7. Where were you ?
  8. Yesterday was my birtday !
  9. One more time the whizzy word octopus ride
  10. I want a rabbit !
  11. The annimal doctor
  12. Baby animal
  13. Animal’s homes
  14. Animals , Animals, Animals
  15. Yesterday !
  16. Once more
  17. Assessment word list



  1. What ‘s your friend’s name ?
  2. How was your day ?
  3. What do you do at school ?
  4. What the date ? what was the that ?
  5. What ‘s in your classroom ?
  6. What time is it ?
  7. See it, say it, write it again ! (riview)
  8. What colour is it ?
  9. Do you know your numbers?
  10. Where are you going ?
  11. Do you have a best friend ?
  12. What are you going to do ?
  13. Let’s go outside !
  14. What do you see in the moon?
  15. One more time ! (riview)
  16. Where’s the toy store?
  17. What is your father’s job?
  18. How many people, are you there in your family?
  19. When is your birthday
  20. What colour is your house ?
  21. What’s in your house ?
  22. See it, say it, write it again! (riview)


  1. Where is your country ?
  2. Help ! i can’t find my shoes
  3. How many seasons are there in your country ?
  4. I have a special gift for you !
  5. Are you hungry ?
  6. What’s for dinner ?
  7. Where is this food from?
  8. One more time ! (riview)
  9. Let’s play inside
  10. Do you want to go bike riding?
  11. I love nature !
  12. What’s your hobby?
  13. Do you like to watch tv?
  14. Do you want to play soccer with me ?
  15. Hear it,see it, say it, write it again! (riview)
  16. Are you afraid of lions?
  17. What did thecow say to the duck?
  18. Animals are my friends
  19. Can your dog shake hands?
  20. Do fish have fur?
  21. Do you know any animal stories?
  22. What do elephants eat?
  23. Assessment, word list



  1. What’s your name ?
  2. When’s your birthday ?
  3. Open your books
  4. My schoolbag
  5. On my desk
  6. My classroom
  7. What’s happening?
  8. My classmates
  9. What time is break?
  10. My teachers
  11. My country
  12. My address and telephone number
  13. My home
  14. Inside my home
  15. My family


  1. My clothes
  2. My day
  3. My food
  4. Jobs
  5. A party
  6. Form animals
  7. Zoo animals
  8. Sports
  9. Games
  10. My body
  11. My health
  12. My hobbies
  13. My friends
  14. Vacation
  15. Assessment
  16. Word list



  1. Getting to know you
  2. My friends at school
  3. Teachers , Teachers
  4. In the classroom
  5. Around my school
  6. At school last week
  7. Using my senses
  8. Fun with math
  9. Time for P.E
  10. School sports day
  11. My place
  12. People and places in asia
  13. At home in asia
  14. Families in asia
  15. Daily rout


  1. ines
  2. Food
  3. At the restaurant
  4. Clothes
  5. What do they do?
  6. Celebrating new year
  7. The animal world
  8. Pets
  9. Hobbies
  10. Afternoon activities
  11. Last  week’schedule
  12. Video games
  13. The sports world
  14. Sports equipment
  15. It’s magic!
  16. Assessment
  17. Word list



  1. In class
  2. At school
  3. Around the school
  4. The school day
  5. About me !
  6. Geography in english
  7. Stories in english
  8. P.E in english
  9. Science in english
  10. Math in english
  11. This is my room
  12. Around my neighborhood
  13. Things around the house
  14. Things we do around the house
  15. Around asia


  1. Family tree
  2. Clothes past, presesnt, and future
  3. Let’s eat
  4. Accupations
  5. Festivals and celebrations
  6. A pet’s life
  7. Animal rights
  8. Animals in stories
  9. Sports in asia
  10. Exercising
  11. Free time
  12. Music
  13. TV
  14. The movies !
  15. Assessment. Word list.



  1. 1.      It’s nice to meet you

Alphabet, greetings and leave takings, names and titles of address, number  1-10 and telephone numbers. Possesive adjectives my, your, his, her ; Listening for the spelling of names.

  1. 2.      What’s this?       

Possesions, classroom objects, personal items, and locations in a room. Naming objects, asking for  and giving the location; Articles a, an & the, this/it, these/they; Listening to find the location of an item and writing the location of objects.

  1. 3.      Where are you from?                    

Cities, countries and regions, adjectives of personality, numbers to 100 and age. Talking about geographical locations asking for and giving information about nationality, native language and age.

  1. 4.      I’m not wearing boots!

Clothing, colors, seasons of the year, weather. Asking about and describing clothing, talking about the weather, finding the owner of an item.


  1. 1.      What are you doing?

Times of the day, clock time, daily activities, Saturday activities. Asking for and telling time, asking about and describing current activities.

  1. 2.      We live in the suburbs.

Places and transportation, family relationships, daily routines, days of the week. Asking and giving information about where people live and how they go to work or school, talking about family members, talking about daily routines.

  1. 3.      Does the apartment have a view?

Houses and apartments, rooms, furniture. Asking about and describing homes, saying what furniture is in a room.Listening to descriptions of houses and apartments, listening to people shop for furniture.

  1. 4.      What do you do?

Occupations and workplaces. Asking for and giving information about work, giving opinions about jobs. Listening to people describe their jobs.



  1. 1.      Broccoli is good for you.

Food Pyramid, basic foods, desserts, meals. Talking about foods that are good or bad for you, food likes and dislikes, and eating habits, talking about food items you need.

  1. 2.      You can play baseball really well.

Sports, talents and abilities. Talking about sports you like and dislike, talking about talents and abilities.

  1. 3.      What are you going to do?

Months and dates, birthdays, holidays and celebrations. Saying dates, asking about birthdays, asking for and giving information about future plans, holidays and celebrations.

  1. 4.      What’s the matter?

Parts of the body, health problems and advice, medications. Talking about illnesses and health problems, giving advice, giving instructions.


  1. 1.      You can’t miss it.

Stores and things you can buy, locations in a city, tourist attractions. Talking about shopping, asking for and giving locations and directions.

  1. 2.      Did you have a good weekend?

Weekends, household chores and leisure activities. Asking for and giving information about activities in the recent past.

  1. 3.      Where were you born?

Biographical information, years, school subjects. Asking for and giving information about date and place of birth, school experiences and the recent past.

  1. 4.      Please leave us a message.

Telephone calls and invitations, going out with friends. Making phone calls, leaving phone messages, inviting people and accepting and declining invitations, making excuses.



  1. 1.      Please call me Chuck

Introductions and greetings, names and titles, countries and nationalities. Introducing yourself, introducing someone, checking information, asking about someone, exchanging personal information.

  1. 2.      How do you spend your day?

Occupations, workplaces and school, daily schedules, clock time. Describing work and school, asking for and giving opinions, talking about daily schedules.

  1. 3.      How much is it?

Spending habits, shopping and prices, clothing and personal items, colours and materials. Talking about prices, giving opinions, talking about preferences, making comparisons, buying and selling things.

  1. 4.      Do you like jazz?

Music, movies, TV programs, entertainers, invitations and excuses, dates and time. Talking about like and dislikes, giving opinions, making invitations and excuses.



  1. 1.      Tell me about your family

Families and family life. Talking about families and family members, exchanging information about the present, describing family life.

  1. 2.      How often do you exercise?

Sports and exercise, routines. Asking about and describing routines and exercise, talking about frequency, talking about abilities.

  1. 3.      We had a great time!

Free – time and weekend activities, vacations. Talking about past events, giving opinions about past experiences, talking about vacations.

  1. 4.      How do you like the neighborhood?

Stores and places in a city, neighborhoods, houses and apartments. Asking about and describing locations of places, asking about and describing neighborhoods, asking about quantities.



  1. 1.      What does he look like?

Appearance and dress, clothing and clothing styles, people. Asking about and describing people’s appearance, identifying people.

  1. 2.      Have you ever ridden a camel?

Past experiences, unusual events. Describing past experiences, making plans, exchanging information about past experiences and events.

  1. 3.      It’s a very exciting city!

Cities, hometowns, countries. Asking about and describing cities, asking for and giving suggestions, talking about travel and tourism.

  1. 4.      It really works!

Health problems, medications and remedies. Talking about health problems, asking for and giving advice, making requests, asking for and giving suggestions.


  1. 1.      May I take your order,please?

Food and restaurants. Expressing likes and dislikes, agreeing and disagreeing, ordering a meal.

  1. 2.      The biggest and the best!

World geography, countries, the environment. Describing countries, making comparisons, expressing opinions, talking about distance and measurements.

  1. 3.      I’m going to see a musical.

Invitations, leisure – time activities, telephone messages. Talking about plans, making invitations, accepting and refusing invitations, giving reasons, taking and leaving messages.

  1. 4.      A change for the better!

Life changes,plans and hopes for the future. Exchanging personal information,describing changes,talking about plans for the future.



  1. 1.      The book is still on process revision.


  1. 1.      The book is still on process revision.



  1. 1.      Back to the future

Life in the past, present and future, changes and contrasts, consequences. Talking about change, comparing time periods, describing possibilities.

  1. 2.      I don’t like working on weekends!

Abilities and skills, job preferences, personality traits, careers. Describing abilities and skills, talking about job preferences, describing personality traits.

  1. 3.      It’s really worth seeing!

Landmarks and monuments, aspects of countries, world knowledge. Talking about landmarks and monuments, escribing countries, discussing facts.

  1. 4.      It’s been a long time!

Information about someone’s past, recent past events. Asking about someone’s past, describing recent experiences.



  1. 1.      A terrific book,but a terrible movie!

Entertainment,movies and books,reactions and opinions. Describing movies and books,talking about actors and actresses,asking for and giving reactions and opinions.

  1. 2.      So that’s what it means!

Nonverbal communication, gestures and meanings, emotions, proverbs, signs and meanings, drawing conclusions. Interpreting body language, explaining gestures and meanings, describing emotions, explaining proverbs, asking about signs and meanings.

  1. 3.      What would you do?

Money, hopes, predicaments, speculations. Speculating about past and future events, describing a predicament, giving advice and suggestions.

  1. 4.      What’s your excuse?

Requests,excuses,invitations. Reporting what people say,making requests,making invitations   and excuses.



Conversation 1

  1. 1.      That’s what friends are for!

Personality types and qualities, relationships, turn ons and turn offs. Describing personalities, expressing likes and dislikes, expressing agreement and disagreement, complaining.

  1. 2.      Career moves

Unusual and exceptional jobs, job skills, summer jobs. Giving opinions about jobs, describing and comparing jobs.

  1. 3.      Could you do me a favor?

Favors, informal and formal requests, messages. Making requests, accepting and declining requests, leaving messages.

  1. 4.      What a story!

The media, news stories, exceptional events. Describing past events, narrating a story.

  1. 5.      Crossing cultures

Cultural comparisons and culture shock, customs, tourism and travel abroad. Expressing emotions, describing expectations, talking about customs, giving advice.

  1. 6.      What’s wrong with it?

Consumer complaints, everyday problems, household appliances, repairs. Describing problems, making complaints, explaining something that needs to be done.

  1. 7.      The world we live in

The environment and world issues. Identifying and describing problems, offering solutions.

  1. 8.      Learning to learn

Education, learner choices, ways to improve learning, personal qualities. Asking about preferences, talking about learning methods, talking about personal qualities.


Conversation 2

  1. 1.      Self-improvement

Unusual services, recommendations, self – improvements. Talking about things you need to have done, asking for and giving advice or suggestions.

  1. 2.      The past and the future

Historic events and people, biography, the future. Talking about historical events, giving opinions about the future.

  1. 3.      Life’s little lessons

Milestones and turning points, behavior, regrets. Describing yourself in the past, describing regrets about the past, describing hypothetical situations.

  1. 4.      The right stuff

Success, business, advertising. Describing the purpose of something, qualities for success, features, giving reasons, talking about ads.

  1. 5.      That’s a possibility

Common mysteries and unexplained events, points of view, predicaments. Offering explanations, drawing    conclusions, describing hypothetical events.

  1. 6.      Behind the scenes

How a movie is made,  processes, the media and entertainment industries. Describing how something is done, used or made, describing careers in the media and entertainment industries.

  1. 7.      There should be a law!

Opinions, problems, social and controversial issues. Making a recommendation, giving and acknowledging opinions, asking for and giving reasons, agreeing and disagreeing.

  1. 8.      Challenges and accomplishments

Challenges, accomplishments, assessing your life. Describing challenges, frustrations, and rewards, talking about the past and the future.



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  1.  TOEFL PREDICTION TEST : Listening comprehension, structure comprehension, reading comprehension.
  2. TOEIC PREDICTION TEST : Listening comprehension, reading comprehension.